I've taken photos of this bouquet from two angles because they both show off different aspects of the flower. Bear with me....

The pink flowers in this bouquet are called Geraldton Wax and are from Book Six of Floral Punch Craft by Leone Em. The smaller white clusters are from the same book and they are called Minute flowers, I assume because they are quite quick to make.
The small yellow fill-ins are from the Floral Punch Craft DVD, which is like an introductory class. If you would like to learn the skills required to make the flowers in the books, this is a great way to go about it because the DVD is like a mini class taught by Leone herself. In the DVD, she shows you how to make these little fill-in flowers and also another flower. It's well worth the price! In the UK, you can get your copy at
Cardinal Colours while they last. They also have all the tools you need in your Floral Punch Craft kit, so if you buy the lot you can sit by the TV or your computer and make the flowers right along with Leone!
Just to help you out, here's a list of what you will need:
Floral Punch Craft DVD
Small Balloon Punch
Small Flower Punch (like a circle with six scallops)
Medium Hand Punch (yes, the shape is a hand.)
Corner Flower Punch (it punches five tiny flower shapes out of the corner of the paper)
Character Shaper
Shape Mate
Double-Ended-Etching-Tool (DEET)
Angled Tweezers
Reverse (closed) tweezers - the kind you squeeze to open
pointed-end fine scissors (decoupage scissors)
Moulding Mat
PVA glue
Finger shield
These items are very inexpensive, so don't be put off by the length of the list. Jill at Cardinal Colours has kindly bundled the moulding mat and tools together for you, so all you need outside of that is the glue, punches and DVD. The paper used is ordinary copy paper. Almost everyone has it lying around the house, just grab some and get started! After you punch the shapes, you can colour them using whatever method you wish. As long as the paper is dry when you start shaping it, you'll be fine.
If you try Floral Punch Craft as a result of reading this blog, please leave me a commeent. I would love to know I've helped someone to find this very rewarding craft.
And as always, stay tuned for another FPC Friday!