Friday 28 May 2010

My Crafty Week-and-a-Bit!

Hi everyone who reads my blog,

It's officially half-term and tomorrow morning, my Craft Killers (a.k.a. Children) will be on their way to their grandparents' house with Daddy for the half-term break, leaving me the week plus the weekends either side to do whatever on my own!!

In celebration of this fact, I will be setting an auto-post for every day, depicting something I've made and not blogged over the last few months.

With all these forums and blogs, it seems that we crafters spend so much time writing or reading about crafting that we have less and less time to actually craft. I don't want to see the forums and blogs go away, but at the same time I don't want to rob myself of actual craft time, so a balance must be struck.

Leave a comment- let me know what you think of your reading/crafting balance. Is it good? Meanwhile, I'll pre-post my creations here.

Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

KraftyKaren said...

Hmmmm know what you mean I do spend way too much time looking at blogs but I do get so much inspiration from them. Since getting my own blog I spend usually just one evening a week setting up all my blog posts for the coming week - it is great that you can schedule everything especially if you are going to be away.