Saturday, 17 July 2010

...because that's how I roll.

It's not technically a craft but...

This is a shot of a table at the social club where I play bingo on a Wednesday night.

Last week, I stayed a bit late and someone was commenting that I had all my used bingo tickets neatly folded and put into an empty bag of peanuts. I vowed to further impress him this week, just for a laugh... what followed was this.

Remember gumwrapper chains? Well, I made a bingo-ticket chain.

Thing is, I expected that to be that. Have a good laugh about it, maybe pin it on the noticeboard as a joke and have done with it...

Oh no, no, no.

The people at the bar were actually pretty fascinated with it and I have taught people how to do it. It may become a fundraiser of sorts-- sponsor the bingo chain. It's been left in my hands to formulate a plan. I will do... I stand challenged. I will try to raise money for the social club by making a chain as long as possible. I'll have to make up some sponsor sheets, and see if people will sponsor me by the foot or something. Or maybe have a pool to guess the length of the chain when I'm finished.

Decisions, decisions...

1 comment:

Scrappy~Sarah said...

you go girl, maybe contact the Guinness book of records too :)